To help our mission of helping facilitate programs & projects designed to enhance public safety, the NCPD Foundation relies on community partnerships and though citizen outreach. These goals would not be possible without the in-kind & financial support of the community.

To Make a Donation

  • CLICK on the DONATE Button Below (You Do Not Have To Be a Paypal Member To Donate).

– Then CLICK on the (Optional) Use Donation For:

On Behalf of the Men & Women of the NCPD – We Thank You For Your Generosity.

  • To make your charitable donation through Venmo, if using a desktop or laptop, scan the QR code with your smartphone. OR if you are using your smartphone. Just click on the QR code.

  • By Mail: Please make checks payable to “Nassau County Police Department Foundation” and mail them to:
    • Nassau County Police Department Foundation
      734 Franklin Ave # 189
      Garden City, NY 11530
  • Planned Gifts/Bequests – please contact Executive Director, Alexandra Nigolian at (877) 627-3331 or

Contributions to the Police Foundation are tax-deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID #35-2351865

For a copy of the Foundation’s latest Form 990 and Audited Financials visit GuideStar – Click image below:


The NCPD Foundation participates in the Better Business Bureau Charity Seal Program and is known as a BBB Accredited Charity. This stands as an immediate and easily recognizable symbol to donors that our organization has met the 20 Standards for Charity Accountability. The 20 Standards evaluate charities financial accountability, governance and oversight, effectiveness measures, and fundraising and informational materials.


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