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NCPD Training Village

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Proposed NCPD Training Village is designed to provide roleplay in real world scenarios in a safe controlled environment for Law Enforcement, First Responders, Hospitals, and the Nassau & Neighboring Communities.  The focus of this facility is for learning, training, & re-enforcing best practices, situational awareness, de-escalation techniques, policing & emergency response operations & protocols, interagency communication, and how to best display respect, composure & verbal skills to develop & maintain good relationships with the community that the NCPD serves. The NCPD Training Village is planned to be constructed complete with sidewalks, streets, intersections, traffic lights, residential & commercial buildings, a house of worship, a school, and even a gas & train station – complete with an LIRR railroad car.  All to re-enforce the NCPD’s commitment to serving the people who live, work, play, and travel through the County of Nassau.

Community Programs

The NCPD Foundation sponsors many community based programs that bring police together with the community they serve to build communication and generate sound relationships.

Civilian Police Academy

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The Civilian Police Academy invites Nassau County residents to the Police Academy for fourteen weeks of specialized training for the purpose of opening up lines of communication and building trust between the police and the community. Graduates of the academy become part of the Civilian Police Academy Alumni Association which meets at the Police Academy monthly to promote the concept of community policing and assist the police with problem-solving techniques to improve and address quality of life issues in Nassau County. For interest in participating in the next Civilian Police Academy which begins in March and runs through June each year, reach out to your local precinct which can be found here .

R.E.A.C.H. Program (Return Every Adult & Child Home)

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The Return Every Adult and Child Home (REACH) registry is a law enforcement-maintained database of children and adults with cognitive disorders that make them more likely to become a missing person and that potentially limit their ability to communicate. Individuals who are affected by Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, Down Syndrome, mental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, etc. are examples of people who are prime candidates for the registry. This database is maintained by the Asset Forfeiture and Intelligence unit at the Police Academy and includes photographs, biographical information, and other information pertinent for locating and dealing with registrants such as likely destinations and idiosyncrasies. The REACH registry is an expansion of the Silver Alert System that also assists the Department with a swift response to missing person calls.

The NCPD Foundation provides financial support to the REACH program to purchase the wristbands, lanyards and identification cards distributed to those individuals who are registered in the R.E.A.C.H. program so that law enforcement officers can recognize them as members of the program more easily should they go missing. To find out more about the R.E.A.C.H Program call (516) 573-5775.

Police Youth Academy

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The Youth Police Academy is designed to give high school students an opportunity to experience the many roles of police officers in their communities. These students from designated school districts come to the Police Academy for a one-day modified academy.

The purpose of the Youth Academy is to expose young people to police work, establish a positive relationship between the Police Department and young adults, and enhance responsible citizenship. The session consists of classroom lectures, physical training, defensive tactics, police demonstrations as well as obstacle course exercises. At the end of the day, the youth have a greater understanding and respect for the members of the Police Department.

The NCPD Foundation has committed funding to run this program to ensure that as many youth as possible in Nassau County are able to participate.

Annual Backpack Drive

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The NCPD Foundation and NCPD Police Unions partner each August to provide over 1,000 backpacks and school supplies to needy children in New Cassel. This community event brings the community and police together as the children and their families are treated to a barbecue, visit from the NCPD’s Mounted Unit, BSO and a special landing from the search and rescue helicopter.

Toy Parade

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Each year the Nassau Police Department teams up with the Toys of Hope Children’s Charity and the American Giving Project to spread some holiday cheer Saturday to children in need. Officials join a traveling in a caravan across the county, handing out more than 3,000 presents for underprivileged children.

Shop With a Cop


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Each year the NCPDF teams up with the NCPD’s Police Unions to give 100 children from homeless shelters in Nassau a shopping spree at Matty’s Toy Store in Hewlett.

Heroes & Helpers

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Each December the NCPDF and Target partner to give over 60 children from the Westbury School District $200.00 to shop with officers at the Westbury Target store for holiday gifts.

Car Seat Drives – School Safety Forums

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The NCPD Foundation works with local community groups including EAC Network and the NCPD Explorers to regularly sponsor car seat give-a-ways and installation checks around the county. These events ensure that Nassau drivers have properly installed child passenger safety seats.

Law Enforcement Equipment/Training Program

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With continued budget cuts and reduced federal grant monies available for training and equipment, the NCPD Foundation helps the NCPD by purchasing the equipment or training necessary to keep our officers safe. By supporting this program you are helping our officers on the streets obtain the best training and equipment available to ensure they are protected when they are risking their lives protecting us. Like – the Bureau of Special Operations Tactical Training House Dedicated on March 12, 2019 in memory of fallen BSO Officer Geoffrey Breitkopf who was killed in the line of duty March 12, 2011. This tactical training house was made possible through a donation by the NCPD Foundation to fund the purchase of the materials and was constructed by the members of the Bureau of Special Operations. The training that will happen here will hopefully prevent other tragedies from happening in the future.

Reflective Vests

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In support of the Nassau County Auxiliary Police and Advanced Medical Technicians the NCPD Foundation raised $65,000 to purchase 600 high-visibility raincoats, hat covers and safety vests.

K9 Program

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The NCPD Foundation has funded the donation of four canine officers to the NCPD. These officers named Bernie, Seren, Doyle and Chief are great additions to the county helping to locate people as well as detect bombs and narcotics.

Capital Programs

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With budget restrictions the NCPD Foundation has been raising funds to help the department with capital upgrades on existing facilities as well as new, desperately needed facilities.

Police Booth Program

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The NCPD Foundation constructed a new police booth in the Village of Great Neck which was named in honor of former NCPD Police Commissioner Francis B. Looney, who rose through the ranks serving as Commissioner from 1966 to 1971. It was Commissioner Looney who originally ordered the building of police booths in Nassau County. This new facility will serve as a relieving point for many patrol officers, as well as a place to write reports and conduct other administrative functions. The foundation is continuing to work with the department and the community to identify booths that need refurbishing around the county.

NCPD Firearms Training Range

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The NCPD Foundation supported the NCPD Firearms and Pistol Range with over $40,000 in landscaping and equipment necessary for the training of our officers.

Memorial Park

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In October 2018, the NCPD Foundation unveiled a new memorial park constructed in the front of NCPD Headquarters adjacent to the Memorial Wall honoring the men and women who gave their lives in the line of duty. This quiet space provides employees a nice area to have lunch, as well as allow families visiting the Memorial Wall a quiet space to reflect.

Officer Down Program

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The NCPD Foundation raises funds in support of officers in Nassau County who are injured in the line of duty in order to support their families. To date, the NCPD Foundatoin has given over $50,000 towards this effort supporting officers families while the officer is recovering from a line of duty injury.


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